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Welcome PRNEWS Live Podcast Listeners


Thank you, Nicole Schuman, for hosting PRNEWS Live and inviting Amanda Proscia as a guest! In this episode, Amanda and Nicole dove deeper into Amanda's article in PRNEWS: "The PR Industry's PR Problem." Amanda discussed her theory as to why the PR industry has a PR problem—because effective and skillful PR goes unnoticed, and earned coverage seems to appear without anyone operating behind the scenes. Nicole and Amanda also discuss how to clear up confusion about PR with clients and other stakeholders. 

Part of this confusion from stakeholders drove Amanda to write PR Confidential: Unlocking the Secrets to Creating a Powerful Public Image; during the podcast, Amanda answered questions about the book. Overall, this was a fun and thought provoking episode about mitigating PR misconceptions and navigating upcoming trends in PR.

PR Confidential

PR Confidential

The interworkings of public relations have long remained a mystery, but not for any good reason. Lightspeed PR/M’s Amanda Proscia published PR Confidential: Unlocking the Secrets to Creating a Powerful Public Image to equip readers with the knowledge to understand and utilize the power of public relations.

PR Budget Quiz

Your PR Budget For Success

This PR Budget Quiz tallys up your answers and provides insight into the different elements of a PR program and the associated costs.

PR Chat Session

Schedule PR Chat Session

Do you need some media attention? Not sure where to start? Book a PR Chat Session with the Lightspeed PR/M founders. Use this time to ask questions about PR, discuss your goals, or learn more about how our team secures media coverage at the speed of light.